
1 minute read


The A0k1 Credits contract is an ERC-1155 NFT that functions as a credit for the A0k1VERSE - Steve Aoki’s community. The idea is that each NFT acts as one credit, which would let you mint the A0ki Passport. Holding more credits lets you mint a more valuable passport.

The contract uses Manifold’s AdminControl contract to grant and revoke certain permissions. And it uses OpenZeppelin’s ERC1155 implementation for most of the contract logic. It’s also pulling from a contract called ERC1155CollectionBase, which appears to have been written by Manifold. Most of the contract logic appears to be coming from the A0K1Credits and the ERC1155CollectionBase contracts.

Despite being an ERC-1155, the contract only holds one token.

There are a couple of interesting things happening in this contract:

  • The token itself
  • Presale
  • Premint
  • Limiting the number someone can purchase (purchaseLimit and transactionLimit with transfer locking)
  • Presale + sale: price validation, purchase limit validation. Everything is duplicated for both (i.e. _validatePrice and _validatePresalePrice)
  • Royalties
  • Reserve purchase

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