You and Your Short-term Memory
Learning to manange your short-term memory is a big unlock for your productivity as a software engineer. Learn about the Zeigarnik Effect and three ways it can make you more productive.
How Did You Learn To Say No?
Terrible at saying no? I used to be too.
Building Products for DAOs
If DAOs are more like governments than corporations, then DAOs are not your customer.
Introduction to VimWiki
VimWiki functions as a great second brain for anyone who's primary form of work involves code.
Intro to Control Flow in Solidity
Introducing the basic control flow structures, like loops and conditionals, in Solidity.
Accounting for DAOs
Responsibility Accounting has existed since the 70s. It could find a lot more traction in DAOs than it ever did in traditional corporations.
How Does a Blockchain Create Trust?
How does blockchain create trust? This article, the second in a two-part series, provides an answer to that question.
What Problem Does Blockchain Solve?
What problem does blockchain solve? This article, the first in a two-part series, provides an answer to that question.
Creator Cabins: The Future of Remote Work
Does remote work need to be a choice between working from home and being a digital nomad? Maybe not.
Leverage-able Experience
How can you accomplish more in your career in a shorter period of time? The answer is leverage.
Meeting Twitter Friends IRL
What's it like to meet someone in person who you've only known through Twitter and Zoom? Honestly, it feels totally normal.
Slot Machine Theory of Life
Never stop experimenting and trying new things.
Reading Projects: What They Are and How to Set One
Tommy Collison announced that he's reading through 150 Western classics over the next four years. What are reading projects and how can they help you achieve your goals?
A New CTO’s Reading List
Here's a crazy thought: a lot of first-time CTOs are also first-time managers. Here are three book recommendations to help you with your new job. None of them have anything to do with technology.
Sci Fi: Ender’s Desk and the Future of Training and Learning
Ender spends his free time playing on a tablet-like device called a desk. Predicting the prevalence of iPads and laptops is remarkable, but there's an even more interesting prediction behind Ender's Desk.
An Honest Review of Obsidian as a Zettelkasten
I spent the last few months using Obsidian as my primary note-taking tool. Here, I walk through the things I love about it.
every and some: Learning JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
This article walks through how to use and implement the every and some array methods in JavaScript.
The Knot: How to Think About Problem Solving
The way we think about solving problems is ineffective. Here's how we should think about them.
Turning Twitter into an Inspiration Machine
Sick of doom scrolling through Twitter? I was too. Here's how I turned Twitter into a constant stream of inspiration.
Sci Fi: Ender’s Game and Neuralink
Ender's Game introduces the concept of a monitor - a device attached to a person's neck that downloads all their thoughts and memories. Sounds a lot like Elon Musk's new project, Neuralink.
Blockchain Beyond Crypto: What Is a Permissioned Blockchain
What is a permissioned blockchain and why might you use one?
shift and unshift: Learning JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
For the sixth article in this series, I explore shift and unshift. By exploring how to implement these yourself, you can learn a lot about how these array methods work.
The Compounding Effect of Small Leaks
Settling the argument in the personal finance space around coffee and how it can be a microcosm for other aspects of your life.
pop and push: Learning Javascript's Array Methods by Building Them
I explore implementing pop and push in the fifth article of this series. Specifically, how can we add an item without using push or remove an item without using pop?
The Three C's of Leadership
What are the qualities every leader should possess? Jim Mattis' answer is competence, caring, and conviction.
Write Like Farnam Street
What does it take to be a great writer? To find out, let's look at some data.
Council of Mentors
Reflecting on an exercise I did as part of a men's group in college.
Managing Settings in a Large Django Project
Exploring three ways to manage Django's configuration settings when the your project gets large and complex.
filter: Learn JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
For the fourth article in the series, we explore the filter method and how we can use it to get just a subset of a large array.
Reflections on Earning $100,000 Freelancing in 6 Months
In June, I quit my job and set out on my own. By December, I had earned over $100,000 freelancing. Here are six reflections on the past six months.
concat: Learn JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
For the third article in the series, we explore the concat method and how we can abstract complicated logic into a function so we don't have to think about it.
map: Learn JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
Next in the series exploring JavaScript's array methods - map. Perhaps one of the most commonly used and powerful of JavaScript's array methods.
forEach: Learn JavaScript's Array Methods by Building Them
First in a series of articles exploring JavaScript's array methods, including a walk through of how to build your own. This article covers the forEach method.
Don't Learn Another Framework. Do This Instead.
Too many developers spend their nights and weekends learning a new programming language or the latest framework when they'd be better off learning something else.
A Developer's Guide to Time Blocking
Time blocking is a great way of managing your time and making sure you're making progress towards long-term goals. This guide shows you how to take advantage of it as a developer.
Landing My First Freelance Development Projects
Struggling to land freelance work? Here's how I landed my first few web development projects and eventually left my job to freelance full-time.
Getting to Philosophy with Roam Research
There's a lot of excitement about the new note-taking tool, Roam Research. Here's my take on why it's so great and the promise it offers.
Learning to Lead: Avoid Incompetence By Reading A Lot
Leadership is all about literacy. The more you've read, the less you'll be caught off guard
Learning to Lead: Brilliant at the Basics
Learn how and why to drill your team on the fundamentals
Learning to Lead: Getting the Most from your Team with Command and Feedback
You don't want to lead like a general. Or, do you?
Wise Management
How to balance being a manager who gets results with a manager who cares for their team.
Tips for Reading More with the Rest of 2020
Five tips to help you work through your reading list this year.
The Real Reason Everyone Should Learn to Code
You don't put "Excel" or "Typing" on your resume. Soon, the same will be true of programming.
What is Gatbsy.js, Really?
Gatsby.js is often described as a static site generator, but it's really so much more than that.
Understanding the Difference Between Flooring and Truncating in Python
Python has two methods for removing fractions from floats and the difference between them is very subtle.
Using Pipenv with Django
Managing dependencies in Python projects used to be a huge pain, but it's a lot easier now with Pipenv
The Four Types of Junior Developer Jobs
There are four broad types of jobs you can get as a Junior Developer. What are they? What are the pros and cons of each?
Intro to tar
Tar is a great little utility for working with archives. It also happens to be very easy to pick up!
Git Productivity Tips
Git definitely has a learning curve if you're new to programming. I've collected some quick tips to help you become more productive, sooner.
Learning How to Learn How to Code
Learning to code is challenging. I think part of the reason why is because it requires both sides of your brain, and you're probably more natural with one over the other.